
Women Left Brain Damaged After Cosmetic Surgery; Doctor Sued for Malpractice

Cosmetic and plastic surgeries are more popular than ever. These procedures are intended to improve people’s appearances, yet they can do more harm than good when not performed properly. If you or a loved one has suffered serious injuries as a result of medical malpractice during cosmetic surgery, you need to reach out to a skilled Baltimore surgical malpractice attorney who can help.

Last week, we covered the story about the “dancing doctor” from Georgia. This week, we dive deeper into one of the patients she hurt.

One 54-year-old woman was left brain damaged after undergoing cosmetic surgery just weeks before her wedding after going to the medical spa and cosmetic surgery center of Dr. Windell Boutte. While she initially went for Botox and anti-wrinkle treatment, the staff recommended a procedure that would give the bride-to-be a flat stomach prior to her wedding. Boutte’s website promoted her as a “doctor to the stars.”

Eight hours into the surgery, the patient’s heart stopped. The office was not properly equipped to handle such an emergency and had to call 911. While paramedics were able to get her heart going again, they faced a delay in getting her to the ambulance. The doctor had to suture the patient’s skin to prevent infections in the open incisions, and the stretcher had to be carried down the stairs because it did not fit in the elevator. Due to the delay, the patient suffered permanent brain damage caused by lack of oxygen. She is now unable to do anything for herself.

The doctor is now facing a medical malpractice lawsuit. The patient’s 26-year-old son filed the claim. Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional fails to use the level of care that a reasonably competent medical professional in the same specialty would have used under the same or similar circumstances. In order to establish malpractice, the plaintiff must show that the medical professional failed to use the appropriate level of care, and that failure was a direct and proximate cause of the patient’s harm.

Here, the doctor’s surgery center was not an accredited operating room or licensed as a surgery center. It did not even have the monitoring equipment that is needed to detect changes in respiration in a timely manner, according to the lawsuit. In addition, it is alleged that the doctor routinely cut corners, hired unqualified staff, misled customers on the surgeries that they were scheduled to receive, and operated in spaces that were not safe for surgical procedures. Each of these actions or inactions deviates from the appropriate level of care that is expected.

Cosmetic procedures are common across the United States. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, there were 15.6 million cosmetic procedures and 5.9 million reconstructive procedures in 2014. A number of these took place in Maryland. While Boutte’s story is about a Georgia doctor, it serves as a cautionary tale to Maryland patients about the importance of choosing an accredited surgical facility.

If you have been harmed by a plastic surgeon’s negligence, you need to consult a Baltimore plastic surgery malpractice attorney as soon as possible. At Arfaa Law Group, we are committed to helping our clients pursue the compensation they need to move on with their life. Call us at 410-889-1850 or contact us online.

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