
When you Give Birth May Matter According to New Study

Birth injuries can have lifelong consequences for a child. If you believe that your child has suffered a birth injury and you want to speak to a reputable Baltimore birth injury attorney, please contact the Arfaa Law Group. We take great pride in providing nuanced and personalized legal representation to each and every client, and you will be no exception.

The Study

While the birth of a child is meant to be an extremely joyous day in a parent’s life, it can quickly become a tragedy if something goes wrong. In such instances, doctors, lawyers and patients tend to focus on what happened during the labor and delivery that led to a negative outcome. However, a new study suggests that when you give birth may also matter. The report found that when compared to a weekday delivery during the daytime, the risk of delivery complications at nighttime were 21 percent higher; on weekends complications were 9 percent higher and on holidays 29 percent higher. In addition, the study found that education levels affect the rate of complications. For instance, teaching hospitals experienced a 28 percent increase in risk of complications in July when students first begin their training. By the following June, the was no statistical difference in risk. This implies that it takes students almost a year to get up to speed. Doctors and hospitals should take these insights seriously and create procedures and protocol around the findings.

Birth Injury Lawsuits                  

Birth injuries can happen for a number of reasons but when they are caused by the carelessness, mistake or wrongdoing of a medical professional, you can likely file a claim for medical malpractice. Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional causes harm to a baby by failing to act in accordance with the standard of care. The standard of care refers to the level of care that a reasonably competent doctor would have used in the same situation. It is important to note that the standard of care is different in every case. It varies based on a number of factors, including the patient’s medical history, age, condition being treated and more.

Recovering Compensation for Birth Injuries

Sadly, even with timely and prompt treatment to rectify the birth injury, some children will require a lifetime of costly medical care. Some may also require ongoing physical and occupational services as well as full time at-home care. These expenses can quickly pile up. Fortunately, Maryland law allows victims of medical malpractice to recover a variety of damages including medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, disability, cost of assistive devices (i.e., wheelchairs) and any other costs associated with the malpractice.

Contact a Trusted Baltimore Birth Injury Attorney

If you believe your child has suffered a birth injury due to a medical professional’s negligence, you may be eligible to recover compensation. At Arfaa Law Group, our hardworking Baltimore birth injury attorneys are committed to helping people affected by medical negligence recover for their losses. Finding the right birth injury advocate can feel overwhelming but it does not have to be. With years of experience in this area of law, we understand how to handle even the most complicated medical malpractice claims. For more on your case, call us at 410-889-1850 or contact us online.

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