
Maryland Court Addresses Sufficiency of Medical Malpractice Claims

People who seek medical care have the right to receive timely and suitable treatment, regardless of the setting in which the care is provided. Sadly, many people housed in federal facilities fall victim to missed and delayed diagnoses, inappropriate treatment, and other acts of medical malpractice. While people harmed by such medical errors have the right to pursue claims against the parties that caused their injuries, they must adequately support such claims, or else they may be dismissed at the outset, as illustrated in a recent Maryland case. If you endured losses due to inadequate medical treatment, it is advisable to speak with a Baltimore medical malpractice attorney about your possible claims as soon as possible.

Procedural and Factual History

It is alleged that the plaintiff, who was housed in a federal facility, filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against the defendant, the medical director of the facility, alleging that the defendant was negligent in providing appropriate medical care. The plaintiff experienced chronic pain and mobility issues, which he claimed were inadequately addressed by the defendant.

According to the plaintiff, the failure to provide timely treatment and necessary interventions resulted in prolonged suffering and worsened his medical condition. Despite seeking medical assistance multiple times within the facility, the plaintiff argued that the treatment provided was substandard and amounted to negligence. After exhausting internal remedies, the plaintiff pursued legal action, asserting that the defendant’s failure to provide adequate medical care constituted medical malpractice.

Medical Malpractice Allegations Sufficient to Withstand Dismissal

The court reviewed the medical malpractice claim to determine whether the plaintiff had sufficiently alleged that the defendant breached the applicable standard of care. Under Maryland law, a medical malpractice claim requires proof that the healthcare provider’s actions deviated from accepted medical standards and that this deviation directly caused harm to the plaintiff.

Here, the court found that while the plaintiff described delays in receiving treatment and dissatisfaction with the care provided, he failed to demonstrate that the defendant’s actions fell below the recognized standard of care for medical professionals. The court also noted that the plaintiff did not present expert testimony or sufficient medical evidence to support the claim that the defendant’s conduct directly caused or exacerbated his medical condition.

Ultimately, the court ruled that the plaintiff’s allegations were insufficient to establish a valid medical malpractice claim. As a result, the court granted the defendant’s motion to dismiss, concluding that the plaintiff had not shown that the defendant’s medical care constituted negligence under the law.

Talk to a Trusted Baltimore Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Incompetently rendered medical care can cause serious health concerns and, in many instances, is grounds for pursuing a medical malpractice claim. If you sustained damages due to the recklessness of your treatment provider, it is wise to talk to a lawyer about your possible claims. The trusted Baltimore medical malpractice attorneys at Arfaa Law Group possess the knowledge and resources needed to win cases against negligent providers, and if you hire us, we will diligently pursue a just outcome on your behalf. You can contact us via our online form or by calling us at (410) 889-1850 to arrange a consultation.

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