Veterans will often seek medical care from federally funded veterans’ organizations. If the care they receive is negligent and subsequently causes them to suffer injuries, they may be able to pursue claims against the federal government. They must comply with any applicable procedural processes, however, or it could negatively impact…
Articles Posted in Medical Malpractice
Maryland Court Discusses Medical Malpractice Claim Requirements
People seeking medical treatment have the right to competent care, regardless of where it occurs. If the care they receive is inadequate, they may be able to pursue claims against their providers. They must ensure that they allege the appropriate claims and follow any required procedures, however, otherwise their claims…
Exhaustion Requirements in Federal Medical Malpractice Claims
People who suffer harm due to medical care provided by federally funded healthcare providers will typically pursue medical malpractice claims against them under the Federal Tort Claims Act. If they do, it is critical for them to abide by any procedural requirements. It is important to note, though, that there…
Court Discusses Medical Malpractice Claims Under Maryland Law
People injured by incompetent medical care will often pursue claims against the physicians and entities responsible for their harm. If they do, they must ensure they set forth the proper allegations and follow any procedural rules to avoid dismissal of their actions, as illustrated in a recent Maryland medical malpractice…
Jury Delivers Substantial Verdict in Maryland Medical Malpractice Case
While there are risks associated with any procedure, some harm that arises following surgery is not caused by a known danger but is instead the result of errors made by the surgeon during the procedure. Such mistakes can lead to devastating injuries that, in some cases, are unfortunately fatal. People…
Maryland Court Discusses Expert Reports in Skilled Nursing Malpractice Cases
Expert testimony is a key component of Maryland medical malpractice cases. Pursuant to Maryland law, only certain people are qualified to provide expert reports in claims alleging medical negligence, however. As discussed in a recent Maryland ruling, this may include nurses in cases involving skilled nursing care. If you sustained…
Maryland Court Discusses Exclusion of Expert Testimony in Medical Malpractice Cases
In most Maryland medical malpractice cases, the plaintiff will need to produce expert testimony to establish the defendant’s fault. Such testimony must be based on reliable methods and scientific understanding, however, and if it is not, it may be excluded. This was demonstrated in a recent Maryland medical malpractice case…
Maryland Court Explains Evidence Needed to Establish Standards of Care in Medical Malpractice Cases
To prevail in a Maryland medical malpractice case, the plaintiff must prove that the defendant violated the applicable standard of care. To do so, they must, among other things, provide expert testimony establishing the standard of care and the ways in which the defendant deviated from it. Doctors are not…
Court Examines Sufficiency of Medical Malpractice Claims
The law protects victims of medical negligence in that it allows them to pursue and recover damages for their losses. In accordance with the law, though, they must also comply with procedural requirements, including providing appropriate notice, and must set forth their claims with sufficient specificity in order to avoid…
Maryland Court Explains Certificates of Qualified Experts in Medical Malpractice Cases
Medical malpractice claims are often legally complex and require expert testimony on numerous medical issues and standards. In Maryland, they are procedurally complex as well, and if parties fail to abide by the applicable procedural rules, their claims may be dismissed. This was confirmed in a recent ruling issued in…